sunnuntai 10. kesäkuuta 2012

Tournament Game 1

Hey. So here goes the tournament we had planned. It was four player tournament where the winners of first maches would meen in titanic gold medal game. Game it self was small game. ~1000 point armies each. Tiia would use her orcs and goblins and squigs ofc (with some featuring units from Lonkero's unruly mob). Lonkero used his rather small force of High Elves. Teugamo used Dwarfs and My Myself and I used the Chaotic Skaven. We rolled dice to randomize match ups and I got Lonkero for first match. Teugamo was still on his way so naturally we played with Lonkero. Tiia was handling the cam :)

Here we are setting the table and just putting units on the table.

Here goes deployment. There was fungus forest in the middle and house on left side on my point of view.

Lonkero had very small force on the field. He had noble on great eagle(griffon model) and unit of swordmasters on left here and unit of sea guard on right. Before the game I was high spirited and mocked his army as Rantalokit :D If he said anything back my selective memory erased it rather quickly.

and here is what im fielding. From left to right. Unit of 30 Clanrats with handweapon and shields. 3 Rat Ogres and 2 Packmasters. Unit of 24 Stormvermin and Warlock Engineer with doomrocked as general, he is also lvl 1 wizard. Unit of 40 slaves, and then Unit of 30 Clanrats with spears and shields, they also got doom-flyer weapon team and then last some 5 Jezzails(not shown here)

Now we are looking for the rule that says Skaven rule all!

Lonkero had some doubts so he double checked.

Little dodgy rule, well we have to play the game to find out!

Lonkero had high elves battle magic cards on this game and we showed them to eachother eagerly.

Final adjustments before game stars rolling

Lonkero got the first turn and moves up. Both his noble on great eagle and swordmaster are in the fungie forest and suffer from stupidy. He is not very concerned about it(its already taking effect!)

my battleline.

He casted some fiery cage spell on my stormvermin. Yes he was actally using fire lore and not high on this game. My stormvermin die like flies :D

ouch :/

My Jezzails 

Alright, my turn. Moving up. 

I left my stormvermin behind cos they would of taken more hits if moved.

Taking some measurements for my doom rocked but its still too early to shoot the bugger.

My Jezzails miss all the shorts

Here comes Lonkero's turn 2. He shoots me with magic and arrows. on Magic he cast the fire cage thing on my Rat Ogres.

 And manages to kill one of them. Could of also be cos of arrows.

My turn again. I charge his noble on forest and he is being slick and chooses to flee.

To his bad luck noble flees trough swordmasters and they fail panic check.

Happy day for Skaven :D

My Rat Ogres are now in the forest and they are stupid and without the handles so they are double stupid :D 
Thats no problem since they made their share of the battle. By soaking up damage from magic and missile.

 Lonkero is looking bit grim at this point. His Swordmasters failed to rally! and keep fleeing towards edge.

His noble rallies and faces my slaves and clanrats with spears.

Stromvermin go cast the cage spell again and cant move...

My turn. I make devilsih move and declare charge on his fleeing Swordmasters. They cant do anything but continue fleeing and run off the board haha! My slaves and Rat Ogres charge Noble on Great Eagle. My Stormvermin stay still and other Clanrats with handweapons declare charge on Sea Guard but fail to reach. They get some arrows from stand and shoot.

Game is pretty much over at this point and Lonkero finally found out that SKAVEN RULE ALL! :D

We still play few more rounds for fun. 

 My Clanrats finally reach the Sea Guard and take some more arrows from stand and shoot.


Battle is quite even but I win the combat by ranks and charge.

Noble is brave but dies in the ends. I think he lost combat and failed break test. 

Battle 1 over. HURRAH for SKAVEN!

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