lauantai 12. toukokuuta 2012

Clanrats in horde with spears & jezzails

Today Ive been painting my Clanrats. I think this unit has been each and every of my games and will be so in the future :) Every rat is handpicked and with armor and most with helmets. Using those clearly slave models to slaves and those with not armored with handweapon+shield combos to come. This unit is my elite and it has bsb and generals usually. Well as elite as clanrat can be :) In my heart atleast they have special place.

Wider view. I repainted all my banners and did some rethinking about the colors of these rats aswell. Some of them are wearing clothes and on upper torse something that could be leather. So made that stand out more using tanned leather from Reaper. Banner looks bit the same shade but its actually mixure of three colors. Close up reveals they are not same :D 

Whole day spent with painting and it didnt get me too far :D First rank was nearly finished already, apart from remaking that hood parts. I guess its gonna take few more days to finish them off. Might have to paint Jezzails some in between. 

Today has been real painting frenzy. This is my current paintstation. Not my usual desk but will do for now.

Slight update on Jezzails. Started with skin. These fellows dont wear lot of clothes :) Being older models really show but they look cool never the less. 

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